Upcoming Member Vote

Important Dates

Town Hall Meeting
-When: Saturday, Feb 15 — 2pm-4pm
-Where: Zoom – details TBD

-When: Now – votes maybe be submitted through Monday, February 24 at 11:59pm
-How: A Google form will be sent to members through email. If you did not receive and email and believe you should have, please email [email protected].

What are you voting for?

Members will vote on the following proposal as a whole package:
-transitioning to a 501(c)(3) status [see below for a more detailed explanation of what this will mean for Naptown Stomp specifically],
-installing a board consisting of Katelyn Griffith, Caitlin Teague, Yara Hairston-Barge, and Kathy Altschul,
-suspending the regular 2025 board elections to transition to the 501(c)(3) status and board.

We need a two-thirds majority vote from members to make this happen.

In order to participate in this vote, you need to be a fully paid member. If you are not a member and would like to become one, sign up at our Membership page. If you need to renew your membership, you can do so from the Manage Membership page. Further membership questions can be sent to [email protected].

Updates Based on Member Feedback

If we are to move to a 501(c)(3) structure, we still want feedback from the Naptown community, and the proposed new board is committed to listen to the community. These are possible ways members could be involved:

Board Nominations Committee – Members can nominate candidates for board seats, with the final selection made by the board.

Advisory Board – A separate advisory group of members can provide recommendations and feedback to the board without formal voting power.

Member Voting on Limited Issues – While members cannot approve or reject board members, they can vote on certain non-governance matters, such as programming or major initiatives.

Board Staggering for Stability

Terms will be staggered to maintain continuity and avoid a complete leadership turnover at once.
Each board member term will last 2-3 years, with only one member rotating out each year.
The structure promotes institutional knowledge retention and smooth transitions.

Ideas we wanted to implement, but are unable per the direction of our 501(c)(3) lawyer.

Allow members a “vote of no confidence” if they feel the board is not meeting expectations.
501(c)(3) board would accept applications/nominations for new board members, and members would get final vote of the vetted candidates.

See the FAQ at the bottom for more detailed answers.

501(c)(3) Nonprofit Proposal

Proposed Timeline of Events

Members vote on the 501(c)(3) proposal
If the vote is a yes:
An attorney will draft bylaws
Current board will begin training new board
New board will hire part-time staff (to also be trained by current 2024 board members)
Anticipated handover period of 3 months or less.

Proposed Organizational Structure

There will be four board positions: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, with terms of 2-3 years. This board will work together to hire one or two paid part-time staff positions. These staff members will organize the volunteer group, along with scheduling instructors and DJs.

Proposed Division of Labor


Quarterly meetings

Long-term planning to help grow the scene
Selection and approval of instructors & DJs

Part-Time Paid Staff

Expected 5-7 hrs/week of work

Schedule instructors, DJs, and volunteers (with a hope of this moving to future volunteer coordinator)
Coordinate with venues
Send out monthly newsletter
Social media & marketing work
Customer service (emails & DMs)
Website updates
Event planning, as needed


Day-of work

Setup & tear down for weekly lessons & dances
Front desk staff
Taxi dancers -intentionally helping new dancers feel welcome
Potential volunteer coordinator

The role of instructors and DJs would not change.

Who can be on the board, and how will they be selected?

To be a board member, a person must be a current member of Naptown Stomp.

When a sitting board member is leaving their position, the board will select a successor based on qualifications and experience. This is to avoid popularity-driven elections.

Proposed Board Members

These proposed board members have a proven track record of successfully running Naptown Stomp, running other nonprofit organizations, and managing large programs. Their extensive leadership experience in the dance community and beyond makes them uniquely qualified to guide Naptown Stomp’s transition to a 501(c)(3) nonprofit while continuing to grow the Indianapolis swing dancing scene.

Why are we working towards this?

How Naptown Works Currently

Naptown Stomp was originally modeled after a college dance club, which fit our needs when we were a smaller organization. At the time we had 5 officers, taught 1-2 (6-week long) lesson series, and hosted dances at Fountain Square twice a month.

Since then we have grown significantly. Our current 6 officers now manage:

3-4 (4-week long) regularly scheduled lesson series
Weekly dances
Bi-monthly Fountain Square swing dances
A performance team
Weekend workshops
Community requests for performances and lessons

Challenges with the Current Structure

Short terms and short transitions: Officers serve year-long terms, spending the first several months learning their roles. By the time they gain proficiency, it is time to hand off responsibilities to the newly elected officer, creating a cycle of inefficiency.

Minimal training: Training is brief (1 day to 1 week depending on the outgoing officer), and most learning happens on the job.

Burnout: Managing weekly events and administrative duties is demanding, often leading to officer burnout. Running Naptown Stomp under the current structure is time-consuming and stressful for officers, as shown by the low number of board member who choose to serve additional terms beyond their first.

Leadership Gaps: Popularity-based elections occasionally result in unqualified officers or officers who don’t take responsibility. Oftentimes, officers quit mid-term, and finding a replacement tends to be challenging.

Loss of Passionate Leaders: Burnout and demanding responsibilities cause some of our most valuable contributors to disengage completely from Naptown Stomp after their terms end.

Limited Growth Potential: The current structure restricts our ability to grow the swing dance scene and provide more opportunities for our community. Right now, many of the most excited and passionate people in the scene join the board, but after their terms end, they often leave due to burnout or the demanding responsibilities. This constant cycle of new people coming in and leaving prevent long-term continuity and stifles growth.

How the new structure will work to solve these challenges

Longer Board Terms: 2-3 year board terms allow for consistent leadership, smoother handoffs, and long-term planning.

Better Division of Labor: The board will be able to focus on the big picture – overseeing strategic planning and organizational decisions, while only needing to meet quarterly instead of monthly. The paid staff will see to the day-to-day operations – streamlining the process through 1-2 people, eliminating the need for board members to repeatedly discuss and revisit operation issues, and avoiding delays.

Reduced Burnout: Without the demands of daily management, the board will be able to focus on strategic planning and community growth.

Smoother Transitions: The board being able to select their own successors will better ensure continuity and effective leadership.

Sustainable Growth: Paid staff will allow us to manage core tasks efficiently, freeing up time for expansion and community outreach.

Consistent Lessons and Operations: With dedicated staff managing scheduling, instructor coordination, and event logistics, we’ll provide a reliable structure for lessons and dances. This consistency will help students, instructors, and volunteers stay engaged and create a better overall experience.

Grants and Tax Deductions: As a benefit of being a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, we would be able to apply for grants and receive tax deductions that would allow us more opportunities (like external guest instructors, live music, and more flexible venue options) without needing to increase ticket prices.

Proposal FAQ

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please let us know through the form below!

Last updated: 2/15/2025

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